Tuesday 14 November 2017

Book week

Book Week

Monday:On Monday was the the book quiz.The quiz was a lot of fun in my team it was called mad max.My team came second which was the mad max and we were 2 points of winning but it fun when we did it.

Tuesday:On Tuesday we went to take a look at the book fair.I took a little look at all the book in the fair.I found a lot of books that I would like to reading.I wanted to get a a something to have in my desk at school.

Wednesday:On Wednesday we had people come to school to tell us how much they love reading and they came to read to us.it was fun to hear about how much the love reading.At lunch time on Wednesday our grandparents come and have lunch and read more book with us.I like hanging out with my nan because she all of biscuit that she us eat. After we had lunch we went to he book fair to buy a book.

Thursday:Thursday was the snuggle up for the end of the book fair but I didn't go because i had tennis so I don't know what it was like so I can't tell you about it so Thursday.

Friday:It time for the book fair to leave so it was a sad day.

πŸ“•THE END πŸ“—     

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